With all the bad stuff going on right now no one can for sure answer that question. But most leagues remain positive and say they will operate.
Steve Hogg the GM of Summerland was quoted last week “We have full plans of having a league, but it might not get going until mid October”.
Great if you ask me, hockey and a shortened schedule, beauty. But that isn’t what the Governors wanted. I was told (before Corona) that they wanted an even longer schedule than the 49 games they played last year.
It is my unpopular opinion that even 49 games is too many... the volunteers get burned out. They are happy for the playoffs because the games are a little better AND because they know the end is in sight. Few will admit to that publicly, but I know it’s a fact for many.
The Nelson Leafs are drowning in the coved sea like a few others. Read that here

Former Leaf and CNP Timberwolf Trevor Alto is the new PIJHL Commissioner... he even looks the same as he did when I met him when he was 17 in the AJHL...Will the three leagues KIJHL, PIJHL and VIJHL finally join together and gang up on BC Hockey ... united we stand divided we beg...

New KIJHL Commissioner Jeff Dubois has a somewhat less optimistic view saying the league may not even operate let alone start on time. Read more here He was likely posturing a bit knowing the league will be applying for federal financial assistance... join the club, the BCHL is also posturing I mean asking for the same thing
But so far no league has asked the BC government for anything
Anyway both league bosses say if a team wants to sit out a season they can do just that with no concussions I mean repercussions, there’s that word again. So things are not great.
The various leagues must be thinking, I think...
Will people still be willing to billet
Will the older fans want to crowd into the buildings
Will unemployed parents have the extra cash to send kids away
Will the hard hit businesses still advertise
Will the older coaches trainers and bus drivers still help out
Speaking of bus drivers, and we just were if you were listening, one of the first cases in our area was the Rockies bus driver, I am happy to tell you that CVR Coach Wade Dubielewicz says the driver has fully recovered. A good news story if I ever heard one.

It seems that most teams are carrying on, Fernie has recruited a couple of players, Summerland hired Nick Deschaines (Trail Grand Forks) as their new HC Kimberley has scheduled their AGM etc.

Former Academy Fury player and Fernie local Dawson Hutchinson signed with the Great Falls Americans a few weeks ago. I know for sure a few different KIJHL GM’s are interested in you... so if you don’t want to go Dawson
When Fernie hosted the Cyclone Taylor Cup several years ago I had a small part in it and fully realize just how much work goes into hosting.... at the last second 100 Mile who had already put in hours and hours of off ice work lost the tournament through no fault of their own... if any team deserves some kind of stimulus package they do.

Revelstoke Grizz owner Ryan Parent is trying to open a Hockey Academy in Sicamous. When they are at their AGM they refer to each other as “Partners" one of the partners has low attendance and I think it’s a bit of a knife in the back. Not everyone thinks that way but....
And Finally... what ever happened to the “Fast Face-off” rule, it was my favourite change but only lasted about a month. I suspect the coaches hated it and fought against it.