But as you probably already guessed the BC Government may have a say in that. The biggest question is do the fans have to be six feet apart or can they come to the games like they do at the rallies in the USA, otherwise known as hospital I mean normal seating.
If fans have to be unsocially distanced at 6 feet apart that would drastically limit how many fans are allowed in the arenas. It would make it so teams like Fernie would have to consider taking a year off until this is over. Limited fans would be like the year in Sparwood when the team lost around $70000.
Food for thought
The College BCIHL and the Alberta ACAC College sports teams have delayed their seasons until January.
In other News
The KI also went to 5 minutes of 3 on 3 in overtime then a shootout. Great idea that shoulda happened a few seasons ago, the coaches have learned to coach the life out of the once exciting 4 on 4.
They also went to an electronic game sheet that will make it easier for the league to read the scribbles I mean stats and to check for ineligible players etc. I would have recommended the BC Hockey game sheet that made it impossible to put an ineligible player on the sheet. It makes the league look bad when points are taken away because a coach didn’t bother to check the HCR before putting a name up. If esports website can’t accommodate that get someone else.
And the offensive team gets to pick which dot they want the face-off at after an icing and at the start of a penalty. Great idea.
The Ghostriders have hired Joey McEwan as an assistant coach...now how we gonna tell the two coaches apart

I had a pair of these

Just sayin....

Hope for Spokane