Fernie Ghostrider Award Winners
Most Improved went to Fernie local Evan Traverse who was in his second year with the Riders and could play two more years if he wanted but plans on going to school next year. All the best Evan.
Honourable mention's to the smoothest skating D-man Tristan Downe who was out till November with a shoulder injury and was pretty raw at first but but improved a mile as the season wore on.
And Brandon Youngson who played very well when Brandon Butler went down for the count and even ended up as a starter in the post season

Rookie of the Year was Keelan Saworski, Keelan was not at the banquet because he was in Saskatchewan practicing with the North Stars where they want him playing next season. Saworski was maybe the best all around player as he was big, could play defence or forward, could skate and had a good shot as well.

Top Playoff Player and without a doubt the fan's favourite was Brendan Nemes. Brendan changed the face of the team when he arrived 21 games ago. His big hits and work effort every game were just what the Riders needed and had he been here all season along with ROY Saworski we may have had home ice.

MVP was Alex Cheveldave, was there any doubt... Team Captain Cheveldave is the first player I've seen who took a two game suspension just before the playoffs and his coaches were actually happy about it... probably thanked the ref... it was the only way they could make him rest, and the only games he missed all year despite the injuries that guys who play the way he does in the trenches always get. He was tough and had a grade A shot too.
Honorable mention to Mitch Titus who is a tough competitor and played all 47 games and all 52 last year.. but Mitch was not forgotten ...
Best Defensemen Alex Cheveldave.. see what the guy above wrote about the MVP

Most Inspirational was Ryan Kennedy a super fit relentless worker who finished with 35 points and a pair of shorthanded goals. Watching him made the other players try harder, another reason coaches like guys like him.
Honorable mention to Tayler Sincennes who had 34 PT and a pair of SH G and was part of the PK as well.

Most Exciting was Mitch Titus as said above, his toughness for a smaller player who was keyed in on all season was incredible and he was also the...
Top Scorer Mitch Titus the only other thing I can say is I hope he comes back for his last junior season and brings his brother Owen.

And finally all the best to our graduating twenty year old's, we were proud to have you.
Alex Cheveldave
Tayler Sincennes
Devin Nemes
Justin Peers and
Brandon Butler
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