Hockey Canada and BC Hockey clearly dropped the ball on this IMO all they had to do was make it fair.
Oddly enough Hockey Canada will not be forcing junior A to wear the cages even though they undisputedly (according to this) make the game safer. And they wouldn’t dare try and tell the CHL how to live.
So if a Jr A guy loses his teeth can he sue HC for not putting in obvious safety rules to protect him, like wearing hard hats, glasses and steel toed boots in the workplace... the CHL is in court as we speak with a lawsuit claiming they are essentially a workplace that should pay minimum wage.
There is not full section on concussions and I’m pretty sure the teams were not asked if the number of concussions went up last season. The only way they would know is if there was a claim put in. But I don’t know if every concussion results in a claim, sometimes the player just misses games... or not.
Anyway, like it or not, it’s clear the cages are here to stay

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