Smooth Sawan Gill scored the game winning OT goal in Creston and had an assist vs BV Saturday, this is great for the Riders getting him on the right track
Alaister Standen was back in the lineup and scored in Creston, if he can stay healthy...
Andrew Bonham Gavin Lawrie and Dylan Defosse also scored in Creston and Chance Griffith got the chance to start in net and won
Seamus Keith did not play against BV, he got 2 games for a 5 min Check from Behind in Creston. He can play again on Saturday.
Creston was 1-10 Fernie 0-3 on the power play, but those are KIJHL on line stats so are probably #$%^’d
Creston’s Logan Berggren had 2G and an A, he’s a nice player to watch and he’s big...all star

In the BV game Aiden Gleisner scored the game winner with :42 seconds left. Lindeman scored in the EN after that. Greg Susinski and Levi Young scored the other goals and Chance Griffith got the win in net and now has a .923 save %

With Kimberley losing 2-1 in Grand Forks the standings got tighter... but they won 3-2 (OT) in Spokane when Ryan Piva scored in OT, his 2nd of the game Palmer had the first goal.

Round the League
He said she said
In Nelson the Kamloops Storm were accused of racially taunting a Nelson player read that here then we saw this on Twitter

Nelson will be here in Fernie next weekend, they are on an 11 game win streak but play two more games before they get here. This will be a premier game and it’s in Fernie, see below
Osoyoos has the worst record, they are 0-14. The Columbia Valley Rockies have passed Golden in the standings by 1 point and have a game in hand. Both Osoyoos and CVR are in Fernie for a double header in two weeks... couldn’t they have played one of those games in Elkford.
I thought November 1st was All-Saints Day

The last suspension is the Sicamous goalie, here’s what they had to say

Former Rider Josh Dalquist seems to have found a home in Creston and was named as one of the three stars of the week.
Kelowna remains one of the top teams, they just defeated 100 Mile 9-2. 100 is hosting the Cyclone Taylor Cup in the spring, they need to be good... watch the transaction page Duner won’t be happy.
December 1st is a big cut down day in junior hockey... there will be lots of competition for players this season.
IMO The best teams are not a mile ahead of the above average teams so the KI Championship is open to more teams than usual. A few junior A cuts could change some stuff.
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