The Riders got up 6-3 when Greg Susinski scored what would turn out to be the game winner late in the second. Susinski, for the record, missed last weekend when he flew down and committed to the U of Jamestown where he will play with a who’s who of former KIJHLer’s . Castlegar’s Hunter Maximnuk and Creston’s Trail Thompson and Andrew Clark also committed at the same time
The Riders in their press release said they are proud when a player graduates, Creston said they were beyond proud in their release, does that go back to the Lawrie -Green trade CVT made happen in September... anyway it’s worked out well for both players. Lawrie has 9 points in his last 6 games and Green a D-man has been unleashed and has 16 in 18 games.

In the Rockies game Nolan Steer (who looks better every time I see him) scored two while Lawrie, Defosse and Standen chipped in with singles. Chance Griffith got the W in net.
The Rockies are alright to watch and could have even won that game like they did in Invermere the week before. I look forward to seeing them and their GM and HC Wade Dublielewicz, who says he’s getting a good D man back and his young team is on the way up, again in December
On Saturday the ZZ Top coached Osoyoos Coyotes were hunted down for a 7-1 loss. Game summary is here Ethan Fitzgerald had the W in net.
Levi Young scored 3 goals in that game, his 3-4-5th goals and 8th point in 7 games. He’s solid as a rock with a Jr A shot but got caught up in the end of the game fights. Young gave a player a crosscheck in the back after he looked like he had snowed the goalie then Coyote Chance Derickson attempted to cross check Young in the face so he had to defend himself. Kole Fujita was also dragged into it but no instigator was called so all four were suspended.

Also, what the video didn’t show was one of the coaches throwing things on the ice... but it did show a linesman steer wrestling a Coyote to the ice... I thought he was gonna tie his legs together with a rope or somethin.

The next game is in town against Nelson who with 33 points are tied with Kimbo for 1st overall and they just beat Grand Forks 10-1... maybe both teams will have big heads next week and things will equal out.
Look at all the former KIJHLers playing Sr Hockey in Rossland
The Riders lost a close game on a PP goal in OT last week vs Nelson, the offending player didn’t play Friday so the coaches must agree it was a legitimate call... but you don’t just do that without provocation.
Full Rider scoring

Round the League
The 100 Mile House Wranglers are getting back on track with a nice 5-3 win vs Revelstoke. Darian Long had 3G. 100 is hosting the Cyclone so it will be interesting to see who Duner can pickup in the next few weeks.
The Rockies won 4-3 vs North Oak and Kimberley won in Golden 4-3 Saturday. Even the Nitro’s aren’t running away with games this year.
Does the league track concussions

And finally... I have heard over and over again both sides of the Don Cherry saga... the one thing I totally agree with is how Rex Murphy ended his editorial
I’d rather walk down a dirt road on a cruel February night listening to Don Cherry telling hockey stories than spend a whole warm evening in a banquet hall with his preening detractors.
Not to mention the Coyotes coach yelling at a ghost rider player "I'll see you behind the rink and I'll rip your F'n head off". 🤣🤣